Ultimate Guide to Off The Grid Power in Australia

With rising electricity prices and high initial grid connection fees, going off-grid for your electricity needs becomes an increasingly attractive option. Solar energy generated by residential solar systems can be stored with cutting-edge solar technology in Australia.

Jackery off the grid power

Off-grid or stand-alone solar systems are designed to provide electricity in areas without utility power. The components of an off-grid system are solar panels, a battery to store and furnish power, and an inverter to regulate the input and output of generated electricity. Alternatively, you can choose a solar generator.

Solar energy has advanced considerably, which is more affordable and accessible than ever, increasing the number of Australian households generating energy. This comprehensive guide explains off-grid solar power, how it works, and how to set up your off-grid solar systems. We recommend Jackery Solar Generators as the optimal choice for off-grid residential power.

Key Takeaways:

• Going off the grid allows it to disconnect from the power grid and generate renewable energy to meet your electricity requirements.

• Off-grid power is cleaner and more sustainable than on-grid power, compared to power storage, power outage, electricity access, and costs.

• Off-grid power allows you to reside anywhere with sufficient charging resources and enjoy a greener lifestyle, but energy storage has limitations.

The most cost-effective solution is to own a Solar Generator as off-grid power.

You can choose Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro or 1000 Pro as your off-grid solar power system.

What Does Going Off The Grid Mean?

Going off the grid refers to a home or business that generates enough renewable energy and has sufficient storage to meet all its electricity requirements, thereby allowing it to disconnect from the grid.

Solar battery storage is a crucial component of this. The battery reserves the excess energy your solar panels produce during the day, allowing you to use it at night when your solar panels are not making energy. It is an excellent way to save money quickly and is also great for the environment. 

However, over 6% of Australia's electricity consumption occurs in these regional and remote areas, where less than 2% of the population resides. In recent years, the growth of the remote mining industry has increased the demand for off-grid power.

Renewable energy is becoming more accessible as solar energy systems, and solar battery storage become less expensive. However, consider a few factors before contemplating going off-grid; please continue reading.

[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epNV58OJ-uIv]

How Does Off The Grid Power Work in Australia? 

Off-grid solar systems can provide electricity to your residence or business without relying on the electrical grid. The components of an off-grid solar power system are as follows:

• Solar Panels
• Inverter
• Battery
• Charge Controller

    To go completely off-grid, you'll need a system large enough to support your home's energy consumption requirements, a battery to store the energy, and a solar charge controller to help smooth out energy production and usage. Hence, the battery isn't quickly overloaded.

    how does a off-grid solar power system work

    The sun's rays strike the panels, generating an electromagnetic field that passes through your charge controller to charge your batteries or power your appliances. When your battery bank reaches its utmost capacity (100%), solar energy passes through the inverter charger and powers your home's appliances.

    You must acquire solar panels, an inverter, a charge controller, and a battery for your off-grid solar system. However, a solar generator that combines solar panels with a power station is the ideal off-grid power source with the necessary components to convert sunlight into electricity. Jackery Solar Generators are the most effective off-grid solar power solutions for living a green and sustainable lifestyle.

    Off-Grid Power VS. On-Grid Power

    Off-grid systems do not rely on the public power grid and can instead generate their electricity. Since they are not connected to the grid, they need a power station that converts the DC power captured by solar power into AC (household) electricity and functions as a giant battery to store solar energy.

    off-grid power vs on-grid power

    On-grid solar power systems, connected to the utility grid, only sometimes need batteries for energy storage. Instead of using batteries, they tap into the utility grid when the system cannot produce enough electricity to meet your requirements.

    • Power Storage

      Off-grid systems require a method to store excess electricity, typically batteries. The reserved electricity will power your home even if the weather is cloudy or at night. Usually, excess electricity generated by on-grid systems is returned to the grid. On-grid systems with a net meter enable the proprietor to receive credits for the excess electricity generated.

      • Electricity Access

        An off-grid system must either generate electricity or be charged by another means to offer electricity. Solar off-grid systems are required to utilize battery storage to store excess electricity. When the sun is not shining, such as on cloudy days or at night, the system draws power from the battery.

        • Cost

          Off-grid solar systems generate free electricity once the setup is implemented and paid for. In the long run, they save money and last longer than fossil fuel generators, but they demand a more significant upfront investment to cover the cost of the equipment.

          On-grid systems must pay for all utility services utilized. The cost of hooking up to the grid is usually a flat rate, and you'll have to pay for the electricity you use, less any credits from your net meter.


          Off-Grid Power

          On-Grid Power


          l Independent power

          l Free & clean power

          l Low cost

          l Sustainability

          l New lifestyle

          l Sometimes stable

          l Traditional power


          l Limited energy storage

          l Higher electricity bills

          l Power outage

          l Old style

          Suitable for

          l Who searches for a sustainable lifestyle

          l Remote area

          l Off-grid cabin or workshop

          l Connect to the grid


          What Are The Pros & Cons of Off-Grid Solar Power in Australia? 

          Off-grid power systems offer numerous advantages, making them a desirable option for RVs, campers, outbuildings, cabins, workshops, and individuals seeking energy independence. Off-grid power solutions have disadvantages as well. Consider the pros and cons of choosing off-grid power to determine if it suits your situation.

          The Pros of Off The Grid Solar Power

          Off-grid power systems allow you to reside anywhere with sufficient charging resources. It will enable you to live and operate in remote areas, freeing you from dependence on the local electrical company.
            • Off-grid solar power systems facilitate a sustainable lifestyle. Numerous off-grid energy sources, such as solar, water, and wind, are significantly more environmentally favorable than grid-connected and fossil-fuel generators.
              • Imagine a world in which there are no electricity expenses. With an off-grid existence based on renewable energy, you will rely on virtually limitless, clean natural resources for energy production.
                • The components of an off-grid solar system are straightforward. In contrast, grid-tied systems are complex and require professional installation, which incurs labor costs.

                  The Cons of Off The Grid Solar Power

                  • Regardless of your energy source, your energy storage will be limited. A gasoline or propane-powered generator requires a constant supply of fuel. A solar generator must have sufficient battery capacity to meet daily requirements.

                    What Will It Cost to Go Off-Grid with Solar Power in Australia?  

                    Knowing the various system types is essential when considering the cost of an off-grid solar power system. Each has distinctive features and capabilities, which can impact the price.

                    • AC Solar System

                      This off-grid solar system costs between $28,000 and $59,000, which includes several solar panels, a few reserve batteries, and a DC/AC inverter for energy conversion.

                      • DC System

                        A DC solar system is the most straightforward solar system configuration. It is best adapted for basic energy requirements, such as a cabin with one bedroom or an RV. The off-grid solar system cost of a DC system averages between $5,000 and $10,000 and comprises only a few solar panels that power a handful of appliances.

                        • Mixed DC & AC System

                          Similar to a simple DC solar system, but with a battery reserve to store energy for cloudy days, a mixed DC and AC system ranges in price from $10,000 to $48,000. The cost is contingent upon the magnitude of your system.

                          • AC System with Backup Generator

                            This all-inclusive system is the best option if you're looking for entirely off-grid solar systems. This form of system typically costs between $40,000 and $70,000. The Jackery Solar Generator is the best backup solar generator when contemplating the generator for your off-grid power system. It only costs $2,000 to $3,000 for sufficient solar power.

                            How to Go Off-Grid with Solar Power in Australia?

                            This guide will cover step-by-step instructions for installing an off-grid solar power system. Although there are other options for off-grid power, solar is the most common.

                            jackery solar generator for going off grid

                            Step 1: What to Consider Before Off-Grid Living?

                            Determine the cost of obtaining a grid connection and the expense of the initial contact. Obtain an energy assessment to determine which Off-Grid system is optimal for your situation, expectations, and budget.

                            Find a balance between affordability and quality. Purchasing the cheapest solar system on the market is a calculated risk for grid-connected solar systems. If your inverter fails, your solar system may not function, but you will still have access to electricity.

                            Step 2: How Many Watts Does An Off-Grid Living Use?

                            You must determine your total power consumption before purchasing your off-grid solar power system. The ordinary off-grid cabin requires between 3kW and 7kW of power to produce energy.

                            It requires compiling an inventory of your electrical appliances. Determine the total energy consumption in watt-hours for each machine and device by adding their wattage and the number of hours you intend to use them. The wattage of prevalent off-grid appliances is listed below.

                            Off-Grid Appliances

                            Minimum Wattage

                            Maximum Wattage

                            Air Conditioner






                            Coffee Maker



                            Portable Heater



                            Water Pump



                            Hair Dryer



                            Phone Charger



                            Electric Fan



                            Step 3: How Much Solar Power Does An Off-Grid Living Need?

                            A device's watt or kilowatt (kW) rating indicates how much energy it requires to operate. One kW is equal to one thousand watts. The kilowatt-hour (kWh) unit will also appear on your electricity invoices and appliance manuals. The name conveys everything:  

                            Watt-Hour = Watt or Kilowatt Multiplied by Hours

                            Therefore, operating a 1.3kW air conditioning unit for two hours will consume 2.6kWh of energy: 1.3kW x 2H = 2.6kWh of energy. You can discover the power ratings of your appliances in the instruction manual.

                            Off-Grid Appliances



                            Solar Power Needed

                            Air Conditioner








                            Coffee Maker




                            Portable Heater




                            Water Pump




                            Hair Dryer




                            Phone Charger




                            Electric Fan




                            Step 4: How to Select the Proper Off-Grid Solar Power System?

                            Choose the appropriate off-grid power system with sufficient capacity based on your energy consumption requirements.

                            Consider that your daily total energy consumption is 2kWh. And there is at least a 3kWh system to meet your everyday needs. When deciding on an off-grid electrical system, you must consider several factors, including:

                            • The size and number of solar panels
                            • Your storage capacity from your power station/battery
                            • The size and type of charge controller
                            • The inverter rating

                              Step 5: How to Setup The Solar Panels?

                              Choosing the optimal location for your solar panels is essential for maximizing your home's energy efficacy. You should avoid excessive shading and expose your solar panels to direct sunlight. Solar panels perform best when installed in northerly-facing, bright places with no nearby impediments that can reduce sunlight.

                              You must also consider whether your panels will be installed on a roof. The rooftop installation prevents wind from dislodging your panels and maintains their consistent placement, allowing you to predict your average daily energy production.

                              Step 6: Why Not A Solar Generator as Backup Power?

                              Rural areas are susceptible to frequent power outages, and residents frequently experience electricity-related issues. Using an off-grid solar generator reduces reliance on fossil fuels, which remain the world's primary energy source. In addition, a solar generator is easier to install, use, and maintain than an off-grid solar system or grid-connected power.

                              The Best Off-Grid Solar Power with Jackery

                              Installing a solar generator for an off-grid solar power system is simpler because it is not dependent on the primary grid. Due to the complexity of the grid tide system implementation, the installation and connection to the primary electricity grid require the services of a professional.

                              Jackery is the industry leader in producing solar panels, portable power stations, and solar generators. Solar generators from Jackery are a combination of solar modules and portable power stations that convert solar energy into electricity. The power station's built-in inverter converts the DC to AC and can power indoor and outdoor appliances.

                              Calculate the energy you require if you consider purchasing a solar generator for your off-grid home. Jackery Portable Power Stations have capacities ranging from 240Wh to 2016Wh, depending on the user's requirements. The formula for calculating your device's recharge time is as follows:

                              Working Time = Power Station Capacity*0.85 / Your Device's Operating Wattage

                              For instance, charging a 500W blender with Solar Generator 2000 Pro (2160Wh capacity) will take 4.2 hours (2160Wh*0.85/500W).

                              Choose from the following list of the best solar generators for off-grid living based on your requirements.


                              Solar Generator 2000 Pro

                              Solar Generator 1000 Pro




                              Surge Power



                              Battery Type



                              Life Cycles

                              1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

                              1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

                              AC Input Ports

                              120V, 60Hz, 15A Max

                              120V, 60Hz, 15A Max

                              DC Input Ports

                              11V-17.5V, 8A Max, Double to 8A Max 17.5V⎓60V, 12A, Double to 24A/1400W Max

                              12V-17.5V⎓8A Max, Double to 16A Max 17.5V-60V⎓11A, Double to 22A/800W Max


                              12.1in x 15.1in x 10.5in

                              13.39in x 10.32in x 10.06in





                              5 Years

                              3 Years

                              Off-Grid Appliances

                              AC(1300W): 1.3H

                              Blender(500W): 3.5H

                              Coffee Maker(800W): 2.2H

                              Water Pump(200W): 8.6H

                              Phone(5W): 345.6H

                              Fan(50W): 34.6H

                              AC(1300W): 0.7H

                              Blender(500W): 1.6H

                              Coffee Maker(800W): 1H

                              Water Pump(200W): 4H

                              Phone(5W): 160.3H

                              Fan(50W): 16H


                              Solar Generator 2000 Pro

                              The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro, which has a large capacity of 2,160Wh, combines SolarSaga 100W and Explorer 2000 Pro to power 95% of off-grid appliances, such as refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, and more. Using the sun's powerful energy, travel to Australia's most spectacular locations, go on road trips, explore the great outdoors, and live life to the fullest with companions.

                              Jackery solar generator 2000 pro for going off grid

                              You can entirely recharge the Explorer 2000 Pro portable power station with 6*SolarSaga 200W solar panels in just 5.5 hours or an AC wall outlet in just 2 hours. Additionally, it can be charged via carport. This exceptional charging experience allows you to recharge while off the grid quickly.

                              The superior lithium battery incorporates two processors for four temperature core detectors and dual battery protection, ensuring the optimal combination of safe and dependable charging, which takes safety to the next level. This product can guarantee sufficient solar energy for off-grid living.

                              Product Specs

                              • Capacity:2160Wh, 2200W Inverter, 4400W Peak
                                • Output Ports:3*AC Outputs: 120V, 60Hz, 2200W, 4400W Peak; 3*USB-A Outputs: 18W Max, Quick Charge 3.0; 2*USB-C Outputs: 100W Max, 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V up to 5A; 1*Carport: 12V10A.
                                  • Charging Methods: Explorer 2000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W = 5.5H, Explorer 2000 Pro + 4*SolarSaga 100W = 7.5H, Explorer 2000 Pro + 3*SolarSaga 100W = 10H, Explorer 2000 Pro + 2*SolarSaga 100W = 13.5H, Explorer 2000 Pro + 1*SolarSaga 100W = 24H, AC adapter = 2H, Carport = 24H.
                                    • Customer Review:"I adore this arrangement! Since a few months ago, I have owned the Jackery Explorer 2000 + 4*100W solar panels. I chose to bench-test the solar panels on a day with perfect visibility. It was 20 degrees outside when my daughter installed the solar panels facing directly south, and we observed that they were charging at an efficiency of over 90%. Very impressed with the generator's silent operation; we've tested nearly every appliance in the kitchen. Will undoubtedly purchase additional Jackery products."

                                      Solar Generator 1000 Pro

                                      Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro combines SolarSaga 100W / 80W and Explorer 1000 Pro portable power stations with 1002Wh capacity and 2000W peak power. The ultra-quiet solar generator has a lifespan of over ten years and can be ultimately charged in less than two hours. Its dual 100W PD design provides consistent power, recharging all vital appliances during power disruptions and for off-grid living.

                                      Up to 93% of appliances, including a refrigerator, CPAP machine, e-bike, and bilge pump, can be powered by the rechargeable solar generator 1000 Pro. In addition, it features 2*USB-C & 2*100W PD connectors, delivering steady and rapid charging for devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

                                      Jackery solar generator 1000 pro for going off grid

                                      The industry-leading Battery Management System offers twelve levels of protection against short circuits, overvoltages, and other hazards. The pure sine wave inverter safeguards your appliances with stable power. The LED flashlight with three modes of luminosity is helpful for outdoor exploration.

                                      Product Specs

                                      • Capacity:1002Wh, 1000W Inverter, 2000W Peak
                                        • Output Ports:3*AC Outputs: 120V, 60Hz, 1000W, 2000W Peak; 2*USB-A Outputs: 2*Quick Charge 3.0, 18W Max; 2*USB-C Outputs: 100W Max, 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V up to 5A; 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A
                                          • Charging Methods: Explorer 1000 Pro + 4*SolarSaga 100W = 3.8H, Explorer 1000 Pro + 3*SolarSaga 100W = 5.2H, Explorer 1000 Pro + 12*SolarSaga 80W = 1.8H, Explorer 1000 Pro + 8*SolarSaga 80W = 2.4H, Explorer 1000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 80W = 3H, AC adapter = 1.8H, Carport = 12H.
                                            • Customer Review:"With this new 1000 Pro and the new solar panels, we can make coffee in the morning and watch television at night without the noise and pollution of a generator." Connecting the solar panels to charge my RV's batteries and the Jackery 1000 Pro will allow us to camp off the grid for nearly a week. It was conveniently last week when we experienced a two-hour power outage at home.

                                              Off The Grid Power FAQs

                                              These are the most frequently asked queries regarding off-grid power in Australia.

                                              1.How many solar panels do I need to go off-grid?

                                                A small off-grid cabin typically requires between 1.5kW and 3kW of electricity to generate energy. If you wish to live wholly off the grid, you will need a system capable of generating enough electricity to cover this estimated daily consumption.

                                                There are 100W and 80W SolarSaga solar panels available. Due to its 23% solar conversion efficiency, the SolarSaga 100W is ideally suited for off-grid living and power disruptions. It is portable, compact, IP65 waterproof-rated, and lightweight for off-grid adventures.


                                                Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panel


                                                Folded: 24 x 21 x 1.4 in

                                                Unfolded: 48 x 21 x 0.2 in

                                                Weight: 10.33 lbs


                                                Peak Power: 100W

                                                Power Voltage: 18V

                                                Power Current: 5.55A



                                                Compatible With

                                                Explorer 2000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 2805Wh (5.5H Recharging)

                                                Explorer 1000 Pro + 4*SolarSaga 100W: 1292Wh (3.8H Recharging)

                                                Explorer 500 + 1*SolarSaga 100W: 639Wh (9H Recharging)

                                                Working Hours


                                                Explorer 2000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 0.8-1.6H

                                                Explorer 1000 Pro + 4*SolarSaga 100W: 44Mins

                                                Explorer 500 + 1*SolarSaga 100W: 25Mins

                                                Regarding the SolarSaga 80W, its extra-white glass construction increases conversion efficiency to an industry-leading 25%. This lightweight solar panel is suitable for outdoor activities and off-grid living.


                                                Jackery SolarSaga 80W Solar Panel


                                                Folded: 35.67 x 20.79 x 1.06 in

                                                Unfolded: 35.67 x 20.79 x 1.06 in  

                                                Weight: 10.33 lbs


                                                Peak Power: 80W

                                                Power Voltage: 22V

                                                Power Current: 3.6A



                                                Compatible With

                                                Explorer 1000 Pro + 12*SolarSaga 80W: 1468.8Wh (1.8H Recharging)

                                                Explorer 500 + 1*SolarSaga 80W: 629.8Wh (9.4H Recharging)

                                                Working Hours

                                                Explorer 1000 Pro + 4*SolarSaga 80W: 1H

                                                Explorer 500 + 1*SolarSaga 80W: 25Mins

                                                2. How many batteries do I need for going off-grid?

                                                  It depends on the objectives of your solar energy system and how it is utilized. You may only need one battery to maintain a modest approach to reduce energy costs or provide energy for a small cabin or RV.

                                                  But if you want to store as much energy as possible from your solar panels, two to three batteries may be more appropriate. And if you intend to live wholly off the grid, you may need as many as eight to twelve backup batteries to store all the energy your home will need to continue functioning.

                                                  Final Thoughts

                                                  There are a variety of practical applications for an off-the-grid power solution, including camping, living in a shed, tiny house, or motorhome, and residential backup power storage. Off-grid solar energy provides the energy independence necessary to survive off-grid.

                                                  Now that you understand the working principles, pros and cons, costs, and installation of off-grid power systems, you can decide if they are the best option for your home. Moreover, Jackery Solar Generators are the ideal outdoor companion due to their portability and capacity.