Off Grid Solar System: Do You Really Need it? This will help you Decide!


In recent years, off-grid solar systems have gained popularity due to their sustainable power capabilities. Research indicates that in 2021, renewable energy accounted for 29% of Australia's electricity. The off-grid solar system trend is growing, reflecting the increasing desire for energy self-sufficiency and environmentally friendly solutions. Notably, Jackery stands out as a trailblazer in this field, earning praise from users for its innovative and reliable portable power stations. As more individuals seek sustainable ways to power their adventures and homes, the question arises: Do you truly need an off-grid solar system? Don't worry! This blog assists in identifying your needs and provides valuable insights for an informed decision.

Jackery Off Grid Solar System

What Is Off Grid Solar System?

An off grid solar system is an autonomous power solution that does not rely on the utility grid for electric supply. It employs solar panels, batteries and necessary equipment to provide adequate energy on-site. Unlike conventional solutions, these off grid setups operate without any connectivity to external power sources. So, due to their energy independence, they are also known as standalone solar systems.

Moreover, this technology is eco-friendly because it ejects no hazardous emissions and functions quietly. With a few significant components, an off grid solar system offers dependable and reliable access to power.

Main Elements of Off Grid Solar Systems

Here's a list of the necessary equipment required for the proper functioning of an off grid solar system.

Solar Panels

The foundation of off grid solution lies in the photovoltaic (PV) panels. These PV panels integrate solar cells that capture sunlight and convert it into direct electricity. Usually, they are mounted on the rooftops or kept in ground-mounted arrays to maximize exposure.

Battery Bank

It is a system of interconnected batteries linked through a wiring network. This key component is significant for storing excess electricity for later use. When the sun goes down or leaves the mains, these batteries act as reservoirs to provide the required power. It is the only part of the setup that makes off grid a bit expensive but provides uninterrupted supply throughout.

Charge Controller

The charge controller plays a crucial role in ensuring the optimal performance of the setup. It regulates the flow of electrical energy from panels to batteries. With extensive control, this element protects the batteries from overcharging or discharging. In this way, it facilitates the longevity and adequate functioning of the standalone solar.


The electricity stored in the off grid batteries is in the form of DC. At the same time, household electronics require AC to operate. The primary purpose of the inverter is to transform the DC to AC to make it compatible with standard appliances. Just like Jackery's Portable Power Station, they all have a built-in inverter, no need to carry or install another one. Press the switch on the battery, and users can enjoy the convenience of off grid solar systems.

Mounting Structure or Wring

These sturdy structures connect the components and ensure a smooth flow of electricity from panels to consumption.

Main Elements of Off Grid Solar Systems

Who Needs Off Grid Solar Systems?

Off Grid solar systems are in the spotlight due to their versatility and ease of operation. They are particularly useful for people in those locations where extending power lines may be expensive or impractical.

For example, if you plan to set up a cabin or camping site in rural or remote areas of Australia, accessing electricity from the mains can be challenging. In this situation, making an off grid solar is a viable option. Let's dive into some of the typical applications of these innovative power supplies. It offers a consistent energy source for:

Householders Residing in Unstable Electric Locations

One of the significant applications of off grid systems is providing power in locations where the electric supply is insufficient. It helps homeowners to leverage the required electricity to satiate their needs.

AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator shows that the electricity supply is forecast to fall short by 2025 across the Australian Eastern grid. Also, in its latest 10-year outlook, AEMO warns of the power gaps in Victoria, Queensland and South Australia by the end of the decade. These shortfalls would occur because of inadequate electricity generation due to coal or gas plants' closure. So, the government and industries would urgently get on to switch towards new renewable sources.

Switching to off grid solutions may help these areas to cherish an uninterrupted power supply and power households with more reliable energy.

Residents of Rural or Remote Areas

The rural areas are usually distant from the primary power grid and unable to acquire stable mains electricity. Some of the residents tailor petroleum or burning wood to generate energy. Both of which are expensive and hazardous forms of power sources. Likewise, some remote locations in Australia need more access to consistent power supply. It can affect their socioeconomic activities and alleviate their quality of life. In this situation, the off grid solar system comes into play.

This innovative technology provides sustainable electricity that runs independently from the main power supply. The habitats can ameliorate their living standards by harnessing the abundant sunlight in these locations. Unlike conventional power sources, the standalone solar setup offers an eco-friendly and cost-efficient solution.

Emergency Rescue Teams in Unexpected Situations

An off grid power backup is significant in unforeseen emergencies. Especially in Australia, sudden weather events are common. Natural calamities like floods, bushfires, heavy rainfall or storms can disrupt the power grid. These unexpected power outages can affect communication and healthcare and lead to inconvenience. So residents can have a power backup as a lifeline during these disasters. A study shows that renewable energy continues to generate power in unexpected situations like floods, diesel inefficient supply or other reasons.

For this purpose, off grid solar systems are efficient enough to enhance resilience during these emergencies. The energy stored in their batteries offers a stable electricity supply when the grid is down.

Moreover, the temporary rescue sites often require a portable electrical supply that is easy to operate. Unlike traditional power systems, off grid solutions are lightweight and quickly supply electric energy in disaster-stricken areas. Their modular design makes them a perfect fit for rescue teams to deploy them in unexpected scenarios.

Field Workers in Distant Locations

The field workers operating in distant locations like mountains or deserted islands usually encounter limited access to the traditional power grid. For this purpose, off grid solar system is an ideal choice for field workers. For example, farmers can deploy reliable electricity to derive the water pumps for feedstock, irrigation or related operations. Solar panels are placed strategically to capture sunlight efficiently using this sustainable power source. The generated energy is put up in the battery bank to ensure a continuous supply.

Additionally, these Australian rugged or deserted areas encounter challenging environments more often. Farmers may need a flexible or portable power solution to combat these climate changes. Leveraging mobile standalone solar can help field workers to set up the system quickly.

Wilderness Explorers or Campers

Utilizing an off grid caravan solar system proves highly advantageous for wilderness explorers and campers, offering energy self-reliance in remote locales. Solar power's subdued operation further enhances the serene natural experience for campers. Moreover, the ease of transport is pivotal, with solar panels, chargers, and power banks delivering power sans added heft. Opting for lightweight solar options significantly lightens the load for hikers traversing long distances with their equipment.

Furthermore, the solar system showcases a robust, weather-resistant unit capable of enduring outdoor usage and harsh conditions. Solar energy outperforms delicate generator equipment, harmonizing seamlessly with an active camper's lifestyle.

Who Needs Off Grid Solar Systems

How to Choose an Off Grid Solar System?

Selecting the right off the grid solar systems depends on the individual needs of the user. Whether you are a householder, field worker, rescue team member or camper, your demands differ from each other.

For example, if you are a field worker, you should prioritize portability to accommodate frequent moves. Also, you look for robust construction and heavy power supplies for combating weather conditions. Likewise, if you are an emergency crew member, your main concern would be to supply quick power during rescue operations. One of your considerations is a quick setup in time-sensitive situations. So many products of various brands in the market, while Jackery's solar generators have been highly praised by many customers in Australia.

Jackery has three models to meet different needs: Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro, Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro, and Jackery Solar Generator 500. So, you must identify your requirements before choosing an adequate standalone solar system.

System Capacity:
Assess your electricity demand to opt for the suitable system capacity. For example, if you are a resident in a remote area, you need to analyze your home's energy consumption. It helps you to choose the off grid solution with adequate capacity.

Size & Portability:
The standalone solar stations come in various sizes. Choose the size as per your needs and preferences. Moreover, it would help if you also considered the portability factor depending on your situation. For instance, if you are going off grid camping, consider mobility and its ease of operation before selecting.

Battery Storage:
Consider the storage capacity of the battery bank before making your final decision. A large battery means it can provide electricity for an extended period. During unexpected weather conditions in Queensland, an off grid system with a higher battery can supply energy during low sunlight or at night.

Weather Resistance:
As the tropical weather of Australia is entirely unexpected, you should go for a system that can resist harsh weather changes.
So, if you are ready to invest in off grid solutions, consider the abovementioned factors. Different model has its usage.


Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro (Explorer 2000 Pro + SolarSaga 100W)

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro (Explorer 1000 Pro + SolarSaga 80W/100W)

Jackery Solar Generator 500 (Explorer 500 + SolarSaga 100W)

Battery Info



2160Wh (43.2V 50Ah)

1002Wh (43.2V 23.2Ah)

518Wh (21.6V, 24Ah)

Recharge Times


AC Adapter

2 Hours

1.8 Hours

7.5 Hours

12V Car Adapter

24 Hours

12 Hours

7.5 Hours

2x SolarSaga 80W Solar Panel


9 Hours


2x SolarSaga 100W Solar Panel

5.5 Hours




AC Output, USB A-Output, USB-C Output, Car Port




43 lbs (19.5 kg)

25.4lbs (11.5kg)

13.32 lbs (6.04 kg)

Dimensions (LxWxD)

15.1 x 10.5 x 12.1 in (38.4x26.90x30.75cm)

13.39 x 10.32 x 10.06 in
(34 x 26.2 x 25.5cm)

11.8 x 7.6 x 9.2 in
(30.1 x 19.3 x 24.2 cm)

Optional Accessory

Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panel

Jackery SolarSaga 80W Solar Panel

Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panel

Recommended Usage Scenarios

Overlanding: trailer, camper

Fishing: saltwater fishing

Indoor: short-term home backup

Emergency backup/off grid system

Overlanding: van-life, trailer, RV

Outdoor: tent camping, music festival

Fishing: Shore fishing

Indoor: short-term home backup

Overlanding: van-life, RV,camper,

Outdoor: car camping, hiking, backpacking, hunting, picnic

Fishing: freshwater fishing

Jackery Solar Generator 500 is one of the lightest and most portable off grid caravan power solutions. You can deploy Jackery Solar Generator 500 if your power requirements are not so high. This product is adequate for outdoor adventures, including camping, hiking and picnic.

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro: This product has advanced features and a higher battery level. It can be employed in various applications that need higher energy, such as tend camping, music festival and short-term home backup.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro: It is an ideal solution for heavy applications. For example, it is perfect for emergency backup as the off grid system.

When to Decide on Having an Off Grid System?

Transitioning into an off grid system is beneficial, and users can choose the suitable one depending on their actual situation and requirement. So, before deciding, you need to analyze some factors. For example, If you live in a remote area with a limited power supply, standalone solar would be ideal. Likewise, switching to an off grid system is significant if you are encountering frequent power outages due to an unreliable power grid.

Moreover, the urge for cost savings, eco-consciousness, self-reliance, and temporary setups can also affect your decision. The ultimate choice depends on your optimal power needs and requirements. So, if you are ready to invest in off the grid solar systems, connect with Jackery. We are a leading provider of efficient products equipped with the latest solar technology. By embracing our off grid series, you can take a practical step toward a brighter future.


In short, an off grid solar system empowers your energy independence and promotes a more resilient lifestyle. By harnessing renewable solar energy and storing it in batteries, you can sustainably meet your electricity needs without reliance on the traditional power grid. This makes off-grid solar highly appealing for off grid caravans and off grid camping adventures. Making the switch to off-grid solar is a bold move towards energy autonomy, sustainability, and a more liberating living experience aligned with your values. With proper research and preparation, you can harness the sun to illuminate your off-grid aspirations.