Quad Biking 101: Quad Bike Adventure Tours From Australia

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Quad Biking 101: Quad Bike Adventure Tours From Australia

Quad bike adventure trips are a thrilling way for tourists and locals in Australia to enjoy the outdoors. Australia's vast and varied landscapes make it an excellent place for quad bike fans to discover rough terrain, dense forests, sandy tracks, and more.   


Tours can take place on the Gold Coast's sandy beaches, in the Northern Territory's rough outback, or through Queensland's dense rainforests.      


This page will explain everything you need about quad biking, from the best places in Australia to ride to the best gear. Besides, taking a Jackery Portable Power Station in your quad biking is highly recommended to charge essential electronics, such as your phone, camera, drone, and more.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

Quad biking is a fun outdoor sport where you ride a four-wheeled off-road vehicle over various landscapes and terrains.                      

Australia has three quad biking options: a beach adventure tour, a rainforest expedition, and an outback safari.

Preparation is the key for quad biking. You should select a reputable tour guide, make reservations, and pack essentials like clothing, water, snacks, etc.

If you want to charge your electronics during the quad biking tour, consider Jackery Explorer 500 or 300 Plus portable power stations.

You should know the six tips below during your tour.

It is suggestible to go quad biking in Kangaroo Island, Noosa, and Sandboard.

What Is Quad Biking in Australia? 

Quad biking, or ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) riding, is a fun outdoor sport where you ride a four-wheeled off-road vehicle over various landscapes and terrains. These rugged cars are made to handle a lot of different terrains, such as sandy beaches, rocky trails, muddy tracks, and wooded areas. 

Quad biking is an enjoyable method of exploring the natural environment and experiencing the excitement of riding on an off-road expedition.

At its core, quad biking is a sport that requires skill, quickness, and excitement. Riders must get through rough terrain while taking in the beautiful scenery.

Before going on an adventure, people who sign up for quad biking trips are usually given safety gear and instructions. Guided trips are led by experienced teachers who ensure riders have the skills and knowledge to stay safe while riding on different terrain. 

What Are The Quad Biking Tour Options in Australia? 

Quad biking tours are a thrilling way to see Australia's beautiful scenery, from sandy beaches to thick rainforests and rough outback. There is a quad biking tour for everyone, no matter what kind of ride they want: a slow ride along the coast or a thrilling trip through the middle of nowhere.

With the help of experienced teachers and safety gear, participants go on trips they will always remember through some of Australia's most beautiful natural areas.

Quad Biking Tour


Difficulty Level


Beach Adventure Tour

2 hours


Safety gear

Rainforest Expedition



Experienced guides

Outback Safari



Lunch included

Beach Adventure Tour: A Coastal Thrill

If you're looking for an exciting ocean-side journey, the Beach Adventure Tour takes you along the sandy beaches of Australia. This tour, which lasts about two hours, mixes the fun of quad biking with the beauty of the beach.

With a moderate level of challenge, riders of all levels can enjoy cruising along the coast. They can feel the breeze from the water on their faces as they ride along sandy tracks and coastal trails. Safety gear is given to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time.

Rainforest Expedition: Discovering Hidden Gems

With the Rainforest Expedition quad biking trip, you can go deep into the heart of Australia's lush rainforests. This tour lasts for half a day and is challenging but rewarding for adventurers who want to see thick forests, rough terrain, and hidden waterfalls.

With the help of knowledgeable guides, people walk through winding trails and narrow paths, taking in the sights and sounds of the jungle. Safety is crucial; expert guides will help and support you.

Outback Safari: Exploring Remote Wilderness

With the Outback Safari quad biking trip, you can go on a full-day adventure through the rough landscapes of the Australian Outback. This tour has a moderate amount of difficulty and includes lunch for everyone. Riders will go through dusty roads, rocky areas, and huge open spaces to experience the Outback's wild beauty.

With the help of knowledgeable guides, participants will find secret gems and wild areas that are hard to get to with standard transportation. Safety gear and lunch are given to ensure everyone has a comfortable and enjoyable time.

How to Prepare For A Quad Biking?

When heading on a quad bike trip in Australia, it is imperative to meticulously strategise and equip oneself to guarantee safety and enjoyment. To book and get ready for your quad bike trip, follow these steps:

Select Reputable Tour Operator:

  1. Look into the different tour companies that offer quad bike trips in the place you want to go.
  2. Look for tour companies with good reviews, skilled guides, and a strong focus on safety.
  3. Ensure the operator has the proper licences, certifications, and insurance to meet safety and professionalism standards.

Make Reservation Ahead: Once you've picked a tour company, ensure they're available when you want to book. It's best to book ahead of time for some tours because spots may be limited, especially during busy times.

Call them or visit their website to find out if the tour operator is available and make plans. Give information like the number of people going, the date and time you'd like to go on the tour and any special requests or accommodations you may need.

quad biking gear

Pack for Quad Biking: Wear comfortable clothes that are right for the weather and that you don't mind getting dirty for the walk. Wear shoes with closed toes, long pants, and layers to protect yourself from sun, wind, and dirt.

It would help if you took a lot of water to stay hydrated before, during, and after the tour. Quad riding can be hard on the body, especially when it's hot outside, so drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

To keep skin from getting sunburnt, put on a lot of sunscreen when uncovered. On cloudy days, UV rays can still get through and damage skin, so sunscreen with a high SPF number is essential.

Consider bringing snacks or energy bars with you to keep you going on the tour. Some tours may have breaks for refreshments, but having snacks on hand can help you stay energised all day.

Lastly, bring a reliable power source like the Jackery Portable Power Station on your tour. This will ensure that your electronics stay charged while you're outside so you can keep in touch with family and friends or take pictures of beautiful scenes.

Jackery Portable Power Stations for Quad Biking

We've discussed the importance of a portable power station in a quad biking trip, especially the Jackery Portable Power Stations. A portable power station has many output ports, such as AC outlets, DC plugs, and USB ports, so that it can charge many devices simultaneously. 

how jackery solar generator works for quad biking

The Explorer 500 and 300 Plus from Jackery are the best portable power stations for charging personal electronics on a quad bike trip. You can take them anywhere outside because they are small and light. They won't make any noise or get in the way of your quad biking.


Power Needed

Working Hours

Jackery Explorer 500

Jackery Explorer 300 Plus


5W (5V⎓1A)




85W (24V⎓3.6A)




300W (15V⎓20A)



Portable Fan

20W (5V⎓4A)




10W (5V⎓2A)



Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station

The Jackery Explorer 500 is the best way to charge your electronics for a quad bike tour. It can also power outdoor appliances during long-term camping or be a backup power source for your home. And this power station was made to be easy to use. Its battery has a great capacity of 518Wh. You can fold the handle up, and the shape makes it easy to hold.

The Jackery Explorer 500 has the best BMS (Battery Management System) technology, ensuring it always works perfectly and is safe. At only 6.4 kg, its small size and light weight make it even easier to take with you on your trip.

You can use the Jackery Explorer 500 to power your devices during quad biking. For example, you can charge your camera for 5.1 hours or your portable fan for 22 hours. Bringing the Jackery Explorer 500 portable power station with you makes planning and going on trips easier.

jackery explorer 500

Jackery Explorer 300 Plus Portable Power Station

The tiny Jackery Explorer 300 compact power station makes charging easier when you're outside. This small power station gives you all the power you need for your quad biking trip. It holds much power (288Wh) and sends out a strong 300W.

There are two PD ports on the Jackery Explorer 300 portable power station. Each one can send out up to 100W. It can quickly charge several devices simultaneously, making it a valuable and adaptable charging method. Due to its small size and lightweight, it is straightforward to charge outside, giving you a stable power source for your adventures.

The Jackery Explorer 300 portable power station has different charging options that let you charge your gadgets anywhere in Australia while riding a quad bike. A small fan can run on it for 14.4 hours, and a camera can run on it for 3.4 hours. This small power station is powerful and easy to carry, so your devices will always be charged indoors or outdoors. 

jackery explorer 300 plus

Quad Biking Tips: How to Quad Biking?

Quad biking is a fun outdoor sport for people of all ages that combines skill, agility, and adventure.

No matter how much experience you have as a rider, learning how to master the art of quad biking means learning the basics of technique, safety, and how to get around on different surfaces. How to ride a quad bike like a pro:  

Tip 1# Safety First

Before starting any quad biking journey, ensure you have all the safety gear you need, such as a helmet, gloves, goggles, and shoes.

Learn how to use the quad bike's features, such as the throttle, brakes, and steering. Before going to more complex areas, get used to using these controls in a safe and controlled setting.

Tip 2# Technique Matters

Keep the correct riding position on the quad bike by keeping your body straight and steady over the machine. Holding on tight to the handlebars with both hands will help you stay stable and in control.

When riding on rough ground, lean forward or backward with your body weight to change the quad bike's balance and keep it stable and on the ground. Learn how to slow down and speed up to keep your speed under control and safely get around obstacles. Remember to slowly apply the brakes and avoid sudden moves that could cause the quad bike to lose its grip.

Tip 3# Equipment Fitting

After the safety talk, the participants are fitted for their gear to ensure they have everything they need for the trip. This includes ensuring that the safety gear fits and is fixed correctly and that the quad bike is adjusted to suit each rider's height and comfort level.

Tip 4# Know The Terrain

Find out about the terrain you'll be riding on before your quad biking journey. You must use different methods and approaches when riding on sandy beaches, rocky trails, or muddy tracks.

Keep an eye out for rocks, roots, and steep hills that could be dangerous on the path. Carefully plan your route and change your speed and approach to get around these obstacles safely.

Pay attention to what's happening around you and treat nature carefully. Quad biking is fun but doesn't hurt plants or animals, and always stays on trails and in designated riding places.

Tip 5# Guided Riding Sessions

The tour usually includes guided riding lessons with experienced instructors who show people how to ride on various trails and routes that suit their skill level and preferences.

Participants can explore a variety of terrain, such as sandy beaches, trails through forests, rocky terrain, and more, with the help and direction of their teachers.

Instructors give riders tips and comments on how to stay safe, get around, and ride in different types of terrain. This helps riders gain confidence and improve their skills as they explore the area.

Tip 6# Ride Responsibly

Quad biking can be a fun and exciting journey, but being careful and responsible while riding is essential. Follow trail etiquette at all times and show respect to other path users. Give way to pedestrians and slower-moving vehicles.

Know your boundaries and what you can do as a rider. Do not try moves or obstacles too hard; safety should always come first.

Last but not least, enjoy the ride! Spend some time enjoying the beauty of your surroundings and the thrill of the ride. Quad riding is all about having fun and feeling the outdoors. If you keep at it, you'll soon be able to ride a quad bike like a pro.

quad biking tips

Where to Go Quad Biking in Australia?

The Australian landscape, known for its stunning views, will make you feel good while you "burn rubber" on a modern quad bike or ATV. Driving a quad bike is a great way to get away from everything. These are the best quad biking trips in Australia that you might be interested in.

1. Kangaroo Island Quad Bike Tours

Location: 188 Jetty Rd, Vivonne Bay, SA 5223, Australia (Open in Google Maps)

Phone: (08) 8559 4296

Website: Kangaroo Island Outdoor Action 

Included: Local guide, necessary equipment

On this exciting quad bike trip to Kangaroo Island, you'll zip along dirt tracks, splash through muddy trails, and go off-road. You can see the rough Australian bushlands from the back of your easy-to-drive ATV while following your guide on one of four 1.5- to 3-hour-long routes. You can go to beautiful beaches and lookout points, test your skills on sand and dirt tracks, or take it easy on a sunset tour.

The most exciting way to see the wildlife and beauty of Kangaroo Island! You can ride your quad bike or go as a passenger in a buggy (UTV) and go through many different types of landscapes. Depending on your skill level, your experienced Guide will show you how to ride safely over rocks, around sandy bends, and other places.

2. Noosa Quad Bike Tours

Location: 12 King St, Cooran QLD 4569, Australia (Open in Google Maps)

Phone: 0418 874 036

Website: Noosa Quad Bike Tours 

Included: Quad bike, safety gear, helmet, bottled water

There are subtropical rainforests in Woondum National Park and off-road tracks that are great for exploring on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). This half-day ATV bike tour allows even first-timers to ride the park's paths easily. After being told about safety and the tour, you will ride the bikes on a particular training track for 30 to 40 minutes. Then, ride through the park to natural rock pools where you can swim, read, and eat snacks before returning.

You can ride a quad bike through Woondum National Park. You are going on the 4x4 tracks to the excellent rock pool day use area. You can chill out here, swim in the pools, or go for a short walk in the woods.

3. Sandboard and Quad Bike Tours

Location: Beacon Rd, Lancelin WA 6044, Australia (Open in Google Maps)

Phone: +61 411 839 998

Website: Quad Bike Tours in Lancelin 

Included: ATV, UTV, motocross, safety gear, sandboard

This half-day ATV and sandboarding trip takes you to the Lancelin Sand Dunes. Off-road driving and sandboarding down massive 45-degree dunes of white sand are popular things to do at this famous spot. You can pick from different cars and then go on an exciting ride through the hills and enjoy Western Australia's beautiful beaches.

For this to work, the weather needs to be excellent. You'll be given a new date or a total return if it has to be cancelled because of bad weather.

Quad Biking FAQs

The frequently asked questions about quad biking in Australia are listed below:

  1. 1. What size of portable power station do I need for quad biking?

If you need much power, pick a Jackery Portable Power Station that can hold between 300Wh and 12 kWh. A quad bike's power is one of the most important things to consider when choosing one for your trip.

The tools and gadgets that a power station can use depend on how much power it has. To find out how many hours of use this Jackery Portable Power Station can give your gadgets, do the following:

Working Hours (H) = [Jackery Solar Generator Capacity (Wh)*0.85] / Appliance's Wattage (W)

The Jackery Explorer 500 (518Wh) can supply power to an 85W camera for 5.12 hours (518*0.85/85). Employing this formula makes it straightforward to ascertain which devices will continue functioning.

  1. 2. What not to do on a quad bike?

Even though quad biking can be fun, it's essential to put safety first and follow the right way to ride to avoid crashes and injuries. When riding a quad bike, you shouldn't do things like ride carelessly or too fast, carry passengers on a single-rider ATV, do stunts or other dangerous moves, ride while high on drugs or alcohol, or forget to wear safety gear like helmets, goggles, and protective clothing. 

  1. 3. What are the risks of quad biking?

Like any other outdoor exercise for fun, Quad biking has risks riders should be aware of and ready for. Quad biking comes with many risks, such as accidents and collisions caused by careless or inexperienced riding, injuries from the wrong use of the vehicle or failing to wear protective gear, and problems that can happen when riding in rough terrain or when the weather is unpredictable.

Quad biking can also negatively affect the environment, eroding soil and disturbing habitats. Riders can reduce these effects by staying on designated paths and respecting their surroundings. 

  1. 4. How long does quad biking last?

What kind of terrain you ride on, how far you go, and your tour or rental plan can affect how long your quad biking experience lasts. The tours and outings for quad bikes usually last between one and several hours and let people enjoy the thrill of off-road riding while exploring beautiful trails.

Some guided tours offer half-day or full-day outings, while others provide multi-day trips with places to stay the night. Finally, how long quad biking lasts varies depending on the person and their chosen activity schedule.

Final Thoughts

Exploring Australia's beautiful scenery and rough terrain on a quad biking tour is a thrilling experience. As you rev up your engine and drive along sandy beaches, tall dunes, and old woods, remember that every turn is a chance for thrilling adventures and breathtaking views. The Jackery Portable Power Station gives you the power to go off the beaten road, knowing you can always get power when required.              

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