Solar Energy: Is Solar Energy Renewable?

Solar Energy: Is Solar Energy Renewable?

Solar energy will be indispensable in the future of energy production and is currently a developing component of our power generation mix. Solar energy generation has two crucial advantages over using fossil fuels: renewable and inexpensive. Solar energy is frequently cited as a feasible substitute for renewable energy in the future. Individual households and large utility companies are increasingly adopting solar energy as a more environmentally friendly substitute for conventional energy sources.

is solar enegy renewable

Undoubtedly, you are familiar with solar energy as an environmentally beneficial and sustainable substitute for conventional energy sources. Over 11 million individuals and enterprises in Australia are currently harnessing the energy of solar panels to power their residences and establishments. You have likely also encountered the term "renewable energy" being discussed in the media. This page contains answers to the question, "Is solar energy renewable?" In addition, Jackery Solar Generators are portable solar systems that supply outdoor and indoor applications with steady and consistent electricity.  

Solar Energy Australia Facts:

  • Renewable energy is defined as perpetual or inexhaustible power.

  • An ideal illustration of a renewable energy source is solar power. The solar energy of light and heat, an inexhaustible resource, fuels it. Renewable in nature, solar energy derives its power from the sun indefinitely and is ecologically warm in that it does not produce glasshouse emissions such as carbon dioxide.

  • Six forms of renewable energy exist: solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, bioenergy, and ocean energy. Among others, solar energy is the most prevalent.

  • Solar energy is considered a sustainable and renewable energy source; it can reduce CO2 emissions, save water, conserve land, reduce electricity bills, and have reasonable money payback.

  • Solar energy is produced by capturing the sunlight and transferring it into electricity for your residence or business.

  • We highly recommend Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus, 2000 Pro, and 1000 Pro to offer a stable and steady power supply for home backup, camping, off-grid living, and more.

  • Due to the absence of detrimental environmental impacts associated with its operation, solar energy is commonly known as a "green" energy source.

What Is Renewable Energy? 

Renewable energy is defined as perpetual or inexhaustible power. This implies that it will remain in an infinite supply, irrespective of the quantity consumed. It is continuously replenished and is produced through natural energy processes such as wind, lightning, water, and geothermal heating. Conversely, nonrenewable energy sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear power are limited in quantity. They are artificial, constructed with resources that will inevitably deplete. Gas reserves are anticipated to finish by 2060, oil by 2052, and coal by 2088. The production of these fossil fuels can require more than a millennium, meaning they are not readily replenishable once depleted.

Renewable energy sources are characterized by their perpetual renewal and ability to supply heating, ventilation, and electricity without depleting the resource. This contrasts with finite resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Due to their minimal emission of glasshouse gases, renewable energy is crucial in combating climate change. Transitioning to renewable energy sources has the potential to mitigate the environmental harm inflicted by human activities and reduce our reliance on finite fossil fuels.

Is Solar Energy Renewable? 

No sustainable alternative exists to nonrenewable resources. When utilized, nonrenewable resources become depleted; this is the case with fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil. In contrast, renewable energy sources can be rapidly restored or utilized repeatedly without depletion.

Australia has many energy alternatives, including fossil fuels and renewable options. A significant contributor to Australia's prosperous economy is its plentiful energy resources, which are utilized to supply electricity to residential establishments, commercial vehicles, and automobiles. As the Australian economy and population expand, so do the nation's energy requirements.

Is Solar Energy Renewable?

As one of the most abundant and cleanest renewable resources, solar energy will never be depleted or in limited supply. An equivalent amount of sunlight that illuminates the Earth's atmosphere for an entire year can be generated in one hour. Merely constructing an adequate number of solar panels to harness even a fraction of this energy is all that remains.

Renewable energy sources are all those that naturally replenish within a timescale that is human-perceivable. Nonrenewable energy sources, such as gasoline, coal, and oil, are classified as such due to their formation process spanning hundreds of thousands of years, which renders them incapable of replenishing at the current rate of human consumption.

An ideal illustration of a renewable energy source is solar power. The solar energy of light and heat, an inexhaustible resource, fuels it. It is entirely renewable, accessible, and infinite. This energy can be harnessed for heating, cooling, or electricity. Because we are exposed to so much sunlight, Australia has the most elevated mean solar radiation per square meter of all continents.

Two primary forms of solar energy exist. The initial is solar photovoltaic technology, which utilizes photovoltaic (PV) cells integrated into solar panels such as Jackery Solar Panels to convert sunlight into electricity directly. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency reports that over two million households in Australia are equipped with this variety of rooftop solar systems.

The alternative is solar thermal, which generates thermal energy (or heat) from sunlight. While its primary application is large-scale power generation, this technology can also be employed for solar-based cooling and steam production, which can be utilized in a steam turbine to generate electricity. (Data Source: ARENA)
jackery solar generator

How Is Solar Energy Renewable?

Renewable energy is gained from natural resources that can replenish or regenerate themselves. Water, wind, and sunlight are all renewable resources that can be utilized to generate electricity.

Nonrenewable energy is derived from nonrenewable finite resources with a single-use lifecycle. Oil can be classified as a nonrenewable resource due to its limited quantity and the impossibility of replenishment through natural processes.

Solar energy is an additional source of renewable energy. Although renewable and green energy are frequently applied interchangeably, both have marginally distinct meanings. Renewable energy can self-renewal, whereas green energy contributes negligibly to the global carbon footprint. While all forms of renewable energy are environmentally friendly, not all forms of renewable energy are green.

Renewable in nature, solar energy derives its power from the sun indefinitely and is ecologically warm in that it does not produce glasshouse emissions such as carbon dioxide.

Solar energy is frequently cited as the principal renewable energy source due to its cost-effectiveness, widespread availability, and abundance on a global scale.

Solar energy is readily accessible and renewable, but its environmentally beneficial and clean nature also characterizes it. When generating electricity, it produces no emissions, and the emissions created during the production of solar panels are typically mitigated within two to three years.

Thus, it is unsurprising that the growth rate in solar capacity surpasses that of all other energy sources, renewable or otherwise. The proportion of energy generation installed that was utility-scale solar was 35% from January to September 2022. Wind and natural gas followed suit. (Data Source: FERC)

What Are The Types of Renewable Energy? 

Energy derived from renewable sources is defined as energy that is replenished at a rate exceeding its consumption. Such sources include wind and sunlight, which are continually filled. Renewable energy sources are ubiquitous and self-sustaining. Six forms of renewable energy exist, with solar energy being the most prevalent.
types of renewable energy

Solar Energy

Human energy consumption is approximately 10,000 times slower than the rate at which the Earth intercepts solar energy. Solar technologies can provide fuels, electricity, heat, cooling, and natural illumination for various applications. Solar technologies utilize mirrors that concentrate solar radiation or photovoltaic panels to transform sunlight into electrical energy. In the past decade, the manufacturing cost of solar panels has decreased significantly, rendering them cost-effective and frequently the most economical source of electricity. 

Wind Energy

The conversion of the kinetic energy of air in motion is achieved through the utilization of sizable wind turbines situated on land (onshore) or freshwater (offshore). Wind energy has been utilized for millennia, but in recent years, offshore and onshore wind energy technologies have developed taller turbines and larger rotor diameters to maximize the amount of electricity generated. Even though many regions of Australia have significant wind speeds, remote areas are sometimes the most advantageous for wind energy generation. Offshore wind energy possesses immense potential.


Hydropower is generated by converting the energy of water in motion from more excellent to lesser heights. It is capable of being produced by reservoirs and rivers. Run-of-river hydropower plants extract energy from the free-flowing water of the river, as opposed to reservoir hydropower plants, which utilize water stored in a pool. Hydropower reservoirs frequently serve multiple functions, including energy provision, potable water provision, irrigation water supply, flood and drought control, and navigation services.

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy harnesses the readily available thermal power derived from the Earth's interior. Geothermal reservoirs are accessed for heat extraction via wells or alternative methods. Hydrothermal reservoirs are adequately hot and porous by nature; enhanced geothermal systems are reservoirs that are sufficiently hot but improved through hydraulic stimulation.


Biomass, which includes agricultural commodities for liquid biofuels and wood, charcoal, dung, and other manures for heat and power production, is utilized in bioenergy production. Most biomass is used for cooking, illumination, and space heating in rural regions, predominantly by impoverished communities in developing nations. Biomass combustion produces glasshouse gas emissions, albeit to a lesser extent compared to the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, or oil. Conversely, bioenergy ought to be implemented solely in restricted contexts.

Ocean Energy

Ocean energy is generated by technologies that utilize seawater's thermodynamic and kinetic energy, such as currents or waves, to create heat or electricity. Numerous wave and tidal current device prototypes are being investigated as ocean energy systems remain in their infancy. The theoretical capacity of ocean energy readily surpasses current human energy needs.

What Are The Benefits of Solar Energy?

Solar energy is considered a sustainable and renewable energy source due to its ability to satisfy current demands while safeguarding the capacity of future generations to do the same. An enumeration of the advantages of solar energy follows:

Reduce CO2 Emissions: Renewable solar energy can primarily benefit the environment by decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels, significantly contributing to climate change. By harnessing solar power, we can diminish the quantity of glasshouse gases in the atmosphere and actively contribute to conserving our planet for future generations.

Save Water: Solar energy conserves water in addition to reducing carbon emissions. Every source of electricity production necessitates water. However, while water usage is constant when generating electricity from fossil fuels and nuclear power, solar panels only require water during manufacturing. Solar panels require zero water once installed. That leaves over twenty-five years of water-free energy generation.

Conserve Land: Solar energy can reduce virgin land use, emissions, and water consumption. Particularly, rooftop solar transforms a surface that absorbs heat into one that produces clean electricity with no additional land requirement.

Reduce Electricity Bill: Implementing a household solar system can diminish your reliance on the power grid and lower your electricity expenses. Particular proprietors of residential solar energy systems could sell any surplus power to the utility. Homeowners are compensated by the utility for electricity usage rather than making payments to it. It may be optional to purchase an entire solar energy system to reduce the electricity bill for your residence. Select a portable solar system like the Jackery Solar Generator to save money.

Reasonable Money Payback: Solar panels are low-maintenance due to the absence of deteriorating moving elements. Maintain them tidy and in good physical condition to ensure their continued functionality. Solar panels offer an average lifespan of 25 years and minimal maintenance requirements, which can make them a worthwhile investment.

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Solar energy is produced by capturing the sunlight and converting it into electricity for your residence or business. The procedure consists of five fundamental phases.

A. Solar panels, consisting of photovoltaic (PV) cells, are fixed either on the roof of your house or on a separate structure, such as an auxiliary dwelling unit (ADU) or a ground-based solar panel array.

B. When sunlight illuminates the photovoltaic cells, it dislodges electrons from their atomic bonds, generating an electric current.

C. The solar panels are linked to an inverter, which transforms the DC electricity generated by the panels into AC electricity, the type of electricity utilized in residential settings.

D. The alternating current (AC) electricity, which supplies power to your lights, appliances, and other electrical devices, is transmitted to your residence.

E. Any excess solar energy generated is stored in a battery or pushed onto the grid, where nearby electrical systems can use it.
how jackery solar generator works

Due to their renewable and pure energy content, Jackery Solar Generators are particularly becoming famous as a portable power source for off-grid living and home backup. PV generators can also supply power to various appliances, including refrigerators, microwaves, and ovens.

The Jackery Solar Generator combines Jackery Solar Panels with a Portable Power Station, providing camping, off-grid, and RVing with dependable and clean electricity. In addition to generating more electricity with a power conversion rate of more than 25%, the Jackery Solar Panels include a superior lithium-ion rechargeable power station that efficiently stores energy. The battery protection system and MPPT charge controller ensure the safety of utilizing the power station to charge household appliances.

Jackery Solar Generators Harness Solar Energy

Solar energy is a financially viable and environmentally responsible method of generating electricity. The Jackery Solar Generator is the optimal choice for camping, RVing, home backup, and off-grid living, among other applications. Contributing factors include its portability, high capacity for daily use, low noise level, affordable price, and long-lasting battery. Considering your energy needs, you may choose a Jackery Solar Generator with capacities from 12 kWh to 240Wh. The operational hours of machines powered by Jackery Solar Generators are calculated using the following formula:

Working Hours (H) = [Jackery Solar Generator Capacity (Wh)*0.85] / Appliance's Wattage (W)

5.8 hours are sufficient to fuel a 300W blender with the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus (2042.8Wh) (2042.8*0.85/300). This formula allows one to determine which appliances will maintain operation easily.
jackery solar generator capacity

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro

Combining the Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro and SolarSaga 100W solar panels, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro has an output power of 2200W and a combined capacity of 2160Wh. In the event of a power outage or when reliable electricity is necessary for off-grid living, home backup, or other outdoor activities, the Solar Generator 2000 Pro is the optimal solution.

The Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro portable power station has a ten-year lifespan when operated twice weekly. It possesses a standby capacity of one year and is a dependable power source for residential support. The product is considered optimum owing to its cutting-edge characteristics, which include a user-friendly interface with high contrast, efficient charging (requiring only two hours with AC input), and robust security enabled by a top-tier BMS. A collapsible handle and a portability-enhancing 19.5-pound weight characterize the portable generator.


Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro 


jackery solar generator 2000 pro


2160Wh (43.2V/50Ah)


1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Battery Cell

NMC battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 2000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 5.5H; AC Adapter: 2H; 12V Car Adapter: 24H

Output Ports

2*AC Output: 230V, 2200W (peak 4400W); 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0x2, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

Jackery introduced the high-performance Solar Generator 2000 Plus, representing a notable progression in portable power alternatives. As a result of its substantial capacity and exceptional power output, it can supply power for standard van appliances for weeks, as well as meet the power requirements of outdoor exploration or home backup power supply.

By incorporating battery cells, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus's capacity is increased from 2 kWh to 12 kWh, bringing about a paradigm shift in how residential reserve power is provided. Capable of being expanded to 3000W, a 30% increase in rated power over competing 2 kWh products. Powered are the overwhelming majority of vital domestic appliances. The advanced LiFePO4 battery ensures a ten-year operational lifespan despite its consistent daily utilization.


Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus



2042.8Wh (13A/638.4Ah)


4000 cycles to 70%+ capacity

Battery Cell

LiFePO4 battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 1000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 6H; AC Adapter: 1.7H; 12V Car Adapter: 25H

Output Ports

3*AC Output: 230V~ 50Hz, 3000W Max, 6000W surge peak; 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro, which combines 80W SolarSaga solar panels with a portable power station called the Explorer 1000 Pro, is an exceptionally silent solar generator (as low as 46dB), has a lifespan of 10+ years, and can be fully charged in 1.8 hours. Its dual 100W PD design guarantees consistent power for all necessary appliances while off-grid living, camping, RVing, and other outdoor activities.

With a capacity of 1002Wh, the rechargeable Explorer 1000 Pro power station can power 93% of appliances, including a television, CPAP machine, refrigerator, E-bike, and more. Furthermore, it has two USB-C interfaces and two 100W PD connectors, ensuring rapid and consistent charging for mobile devices, iPads, smartphones, and laptops. The MPPT technology guarantees a solar charging efficiency of 99 percent. Ultimately, the power station can be recharged in less than 1.8 hours. Furthermore, wall and vehicle recharging methods and solar recharge are endorsed.


Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro 


jackery solar generator 1000 pro


1002Wh (43.2V/23.2Ah)

Life Cycle

1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Battery Cell

NMC battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 1000 Pro + 2*SolarSaga 80W: 9H; AC Adapter: 1.8H; 12V Car Adapter: 12H

Output Ports

2*AC Output: 230V, 1000W (peak 2000W); 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0x2, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

How Green Is Solar Energy?

Due to the absence of detrimental environmental impacts associated with its operation, solar energy is commonly referred to as a "green" energy source, in addition to its renewable nature. In contrast to fossil fuels, which emit glasshouse gases and other particulates into the atmosphere, solar panel energy generation is a zero-emissions process that can occur in any location where sunlight strikes.

Numerous individuals are concerned about the environmental impact of solar panel production. Producing high-quality solar modules requires energy and resources, just like any other manufactured product; therefore, solar energy production has an environmental impact. The positive aspect is that this effect is negligible compared to the advantages of utilizing solar panels to generate energy with zero emissions. Research has demonstrated that the environmental impact of solar panel manufacturing can be "canceled out" within a matter of months.

The environmental impact associated with solar panel production is progressively diminishing annually due to advancements in panel technologies and designs. Jackery Solar Panels and Generators are manufactured with environmental impact reduction in mind, as the company prioritizes sustainability.

Final Thoughts

This website will answer the question, "Is solar energy renewable?" While all renewable energy sources have advantages, solar energy is the most common in Australian households. This is due to its low cost, accessibility, and ease of usage. The conversion to solar systems, such as the Jackery Solar Generator, may be daunting initially, but the benefits are apparent. You will reduce your carbon footprint, electricity bills, energy expenditures, and health. 

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