The Ultimate Guide to Solar Energy Facts in Australia

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Energy Facts in Australia

Australia is famous for solar energy. Australia's increasing adoption of solar energy is unsurprising, given the growing demand for renewable resources and the prominence of sustainable energy. Australia has installed 3,414 million solar power systems on small enterprises and residential properties, according to the Clean Energy Regulator, as of the conclusion of February 2023. The percentage of Australian households equipped with solar panels has increased to 31.46%, with an estimated 10.8 million dwellings in the country. (Data Source: AERA


Installing solar panels is a tremendous way to aid the environment and help you save money, given that a 1.5 kilowatt solar photovoltaic (PV) system can prevent the emission of approximately 2.2 tonnes of CO2 glasshouse gases annually. You should select solar systems for indoor and outdoor applications, as you will discover all the facts on Australian solar energy on this page. In addition, for outdoor excursions or home backup power, Jackery Solar Generators are portable solar systems that deliver consistent and reliable energy.  

Solar Energy Australia Facts:

  • On average, per square meter, solar radiation availability in Australia is the highest globally.

  • The most giant solar plant in Australia has a capacity of 3MW and is located at Liddel in New South Wales. The plant uses modern thermal concentrators.

  • The University of Queensland's St. Lucia Campus has Australia's largest photovoltaic power plant with an installed capacity of 1.2 MW.

  • The Australian Government has also projected a 20% replacement of the total energy consumption with solar power by 2020.

  • The number of houses with solar panels has increased 35 times in the last three years.

  • Approximately 9.6% of total electricity consumption in Australia was contributed by renewable energy sources compared to 8.7% in the previous year.

What Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy refers to the power generated by combining sunshine and thermal energy. Solar power is generated when solar energy is converted to electricity or utilized to heat air, water, or other substances. Using solar energy to produce solar fuels like hydrogen is possible. Australia has the highest rooftop solar PV system penetration worldwide, with approximately 3.4 million installations operational.

The PV systems that convert sunlight into electricity result in the emission of zero greenhouse gases. By feeding surplus electricity into the grid in exchange for a feed-in payment, it is possible to accumulate the energy for later use as a rechargeable battery. Also, batteries can serve as a power backup in an outage.

Solar energy is power that is generated by the sun's rays. As one of the most potent objects in the universe, the sun's energy can be captured and converted into solar heating and electricity. Energy generated through the utilization of the sun's resources is referred to as solar energy or solar power. Solar energy is an excellent substitute for polluting energy sources like oil, gas, LPG, and coal. Solar energy is thus classified as a renewable energy source.

Solar Energy Facts in Australia

Australia, the continent with the maximum solar radiation per square meter, possesses some of the planet's most valuable solar energy resources. Desert regions in the continent's northwest and center receive the most significant amount of solar radiation.

The Australian Energy Resource Assessment provides a comprehensive overview of Australia's energy resources, including solar energy, and the factors that will affect the progress and acceptance of these diverse energy sources by 2030. (Data Source: AERA)

8 FACTS Solar Energy in Australia

What Are The Benefits of Solar Energy in Australia?

Since 2001, the Australian Government has endeavored to enhance the adoption of solar energy by implementing the Mandatory Renewable Energy Target (MRET) program. By 2023, the energy demand in Australia is projected to have increased by as much as 53%. A substantial energy investment of AUD 37 billion is anticipated to accommodate this expansion.

Highest Solar Radiation: Australia enjoys an exceptional amount of sunlight and possesses among the most significant levels of solar radiation globally. The nation is renowned for its elevated temperatures, especially during the summer, contributing to the substantial solar radiation per square meter. This development has positioned Australia as a global leader in solar energy and will further solidify the nation's position as a frontrunner in sustainable energy resources.

Environmental-Friendly: Non-sustainable energy sources, including fossil fuels, significantly influence carbon emissions. By implementing more environmentally sustainable energy consumption practices, we can substantially contribute to reducing the nation's carbon footprint. Solar energy is an exceptional means of mitigating carbon emissions because it is a renewable, non-polluting energy source devoid of detrimental byproducts.

Solar energy is a green and clean power source without detrimental contaminants or glasshouse gases. This indicates that solar energy has a considerably reduced long-term environmental impact. Solar energy usage decreases dependence on nonrenewable resources like coal and hydrocarbons. Consequently, this expedites the depletion of these invaluable resources, guaranteeing a sustainable future for succeeding generations.

Affordable: Due to the substantial market demand for solar energy, rooftop solar panel costs are progressively diminishing. Since 2013, the average price has decreased by more than 60%. Additionally, numerous government programs and incentives encourage businesses and homeowners to invest in renewable energy. The decreasing solar system installation cost has made solar energy a more accessible and feasible option for everyone.

Stimulate Australia's Economy: The solar industry, contributing millions of dollars to the Australian economy, has helped to create thousands of jobs. This is the result of solar panel system installation and maintenance. As the demand for sustainable energy advances, the solar industry is anticipated to sustain its growth and generate additional employment prospects in the coming years.

Higher Demands: In 2019, with more than 13 million rooftop solar panel units installed, the nation ranked first globally in solar panel installation per capita. Indeed, one in every four Australian households is said to have rooftop solar panels, according to estimates. This can significantly lower energy costs and provide electricity to power appliances. It is even more straightforward to install, which makes it an excellent investment for homeowners.

What Are The Trends of Solar Energy in Australia?

Due to its expansive landmass and temperate climate, Australia has emerged as a formidable contender in the solar energy sector. The nation has substantial solar power generation capacity, which it has been effectively harnessing recently.

The use of solar energy in Australia has increased significantly over the years. Reports indicate that by 2021, more than 25 percent of Australian households had solar panels installed. This number increases substantially in urban areas, where rooftop solar panels are prevalent. Australia has experienced the most substantial increase in solar panel installations globally over the last ten years. As of November 2020, the nation's cumulative solar PV installation capacity had accumulated 19,699MW. (Data Source: AERA)

Australia could produce sufficient solar energy to power the entire planet multiple times. The nation possesses several of the most significant levels of solar irradiance globally, rendering the construction of sizable utility-scale solar power plants in remote regions feasible. Recently, the Energy Minister affirmed a new national objective of utilizing 100 percent renewable energy. With this new pledge, Australia intends to become an international frontrunner in the race to attain net-zero emissions by 2050.

Small-Scale Solar Systems

Small-scale solar (systems up to 100 kW) accounted for 23.5 percent of renewable energy generation in Australia in 2020 and generated 6.5 percent of the nation's total electricity. (Data Source: Clean Energy Council)

In Australia, nearly three million households are currently benefiting from rooftop solar. In 2020, rooftop solar installations amounted to 378,451, the industry's highest in history. Consequently, the sector inaugurated 3 GW of additional capacity in 2020, surpassing the benchmark of 2.2 GW established in 2019.



Capacity (KW)































Hoppers Crossing



(Data Source: Clean Energy Council)

Medium-Scale Solar Systems

2020 was the second-best year for the medium-scale solar sector (systems between 100 kW and 5 MW), which added 117 MW of new capacity. Having expanded by more than twofold over the last two years, the medium-scale sector now possesses 521 MW of power.

Solar panels have been installed in commercial structures, hospitals, shopping centers, and schools to regain control over rising electricity costs and increase their commitment to sustainability, contributing to the exponential expansion.
Medium-Scale Solar Systems

How Solar Energy Is Changing Australia's Energy Landscape?

The sun is responsible for the transformation of Australia's energy landscape. Numerous Australians are turning to solar energy as an environmentally friendly and economical alternative due to rising energy prices and concerns about glasshouse gas emissions. You will learn how to join the renewable energy revolution and how solar energy is transforming the energy sector in Australia in this article.

Conventional energy sources, including natural gas and coal, have historically powered housing and commercial establishments in Australia. As more Australians search for an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative, a noticeable transition towards solar energy has occurred.

Indeed, Australia is at the forefront of solar energy adoption. A report by the Australian Photovoltaic Institute indicates that solar panels are currently deployed on the rooftops of more than 20% of Australian households. This is the highest rooftop solar penetration rate ever recorded and is projected to continue rising. (Data Source: Clean Energy Council)

  • Australia is leading the world in rooftop and portable solar adoption
  • Over 20% of Australian households have solar panels installed
  • This number is only set to increase over the coming years

Another way solar energy is transforming the energy landscape of Australia is by fostering the expansion of residential battery storage. This technology enables residential users to store surplus electricity produced by their solar panels for later utilization during periods of low solar intensity. Since households can generate and store their electricity, this has the potential to reduce grid dependence substantially.

Utility-scale solar arrays are an additional method by which solar energy is revolutionizing the energy situation in Australia. These expansive solar initiatives diminish reliance on conventional power sources by supplying energy to the utility. Some of the world's largest solar farms are located in Australia, assisting the nation in its transition to a more sustainable energy future.

What Are The Solar Energy Technologies in Australia?

Solar power is produced by converting solar energy (sunlight) into electrical energy or its utilization for heating air, water, or other substances. Two primary categories of solar energy technologies exist:

  • Solar Thermal transforms thermal energy (heat) from solar radiation. Direct application of thermal energy transported by air, water, or other fluids is prevalent, as is its utilization in space heating and electricity generation via steam and turbines. Solar thermal energy is frequently applied to hot water systems. Concentrating solar power, or thermal electricity, is typically intended for large-scale power generation.

  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV): Sunlight is converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic cells! PV systems can be incorporated into building designs and vehicles, installed on rooftops, or scaled up to power plants on the megawatt scale. PV systems may also be used with concentrating mirrors or lenses for large-scale centralized power. Jackery Solar Generator, in contrast to residential rooftop solar systems, is a portable solar system that integrates photovoltaic technology with a mobile power station to provide an uninterrupted electricity supply for outdoor power applications.

What Are The Solar Energy Technologies in Australia?

In addition to producing heat and electricity, solar thermal and PV technologies can be integrated into a single system. As more and more businesses and homeowners seek to reduce their energy expenses and carbon emissions, solar power is spreading in popularity. Based on utility connection, there are two primary categories of solar systems: on-grid and off-grid.  

  • On-Grid Solar System: Grid-tied or on-grid solar systems are connected to the electrical infrastructure. They serve as a dependable power supply, augmenting the power supplied by the grid and, in certain regions, even returning excess energy to the grid via net metering.

  • Off-Grid Solar System: Off-grid systems are entirely self-sufficient and are not connected to the electrical grid. Consequently, they are frequently helpful in remote areas where grid connection could be more practical and possible. These are also popular among outdoor enthusiasts who desire complete independence from the grid. The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus, a portable off-grid solar system with expandable battery packs, provides adequate and consistent power for off-grid living.

Off-Grid Solar System

How Does Solar Energy Work? 

Solar energy is harnessed by transforming the sun's ethereal energy into practical forms, such as heat or electricity. Internal layers of solar panels are composed of silicone that responds to sunlight. Silicone in solar panels emits electrons in response to the sun's rays, generating an electrical charge. Subsequently, this charge is converted into solar electricity.

All life on Earth is fueled by solar energy. Sunlight contains particles of energy known as photons. Various processes occur as plants and animals convert the energy from photons emitted by the sun into the Earth. Using photosynthesis, plants convert solar energy into sustenance. Animals then consume the vegetation and consume their energy.

How Does Solar Thermal Work?

The implementation of CST energy generation in Australia is currently in its nascent phase. This is predominantly attributable to the technology's comparatively elevated cost of more established variants of renewable energy. Concentrated solar thermal (CST) technology generates electricity by harnessing the sun's energy. By concentrating sunlight through lenses and reflectors, a fluid such as water or oil is heated, and steam is produced to power a turbine.

How Does On-Grid Solar System Work?

The electricity supply can travel from the grid to which the user's home is connected and from the user's residence to the grid. This characteristic renders the off-grid solar system both cost-effective and exceedingly practical. Solar panels are connected to the utility grid when installed in a house.

When the sun is shining intensely, these panels produce electricity, which is subsequently "sent" to the electrical distribution panel within the residence for consumption. The excess energy is later returned to the infrastructure, immediately reducing the meter reading at your home. In addition to charging only for the energy consumed by the residents, the grid stores any surplus energy produced by the on-grid solar power system.

How Does Off-Grid Solar System Work?

An off-grid solar system functions autonomously from the electrical grid, accumulating the solar energy harnessed from sunlight in batteries during daylight hours. This system is highly effective for households that lack access to grid-generated electricity and are, as a result, entirely self-sufficient. Homes utilize the energy stored in the batteries during periods of low solar panel output, such as at night when the panels cannot produce the necessary power.

The increasing prevalence of Jackery Solar Generators as a portable power source for off-grid living is attributable to their renewable and pure energy content. Solar generators can also power appliances, including refrigerators, televisions, computers, etc.

How Does Off-Grid Solar System Work?

The Jackery Solar Generator, which combines Jackery Solar Panels with a Portable Power Station, provides dependable and clean electricity for camping. The Jackery Solar Panels not only generate more electricity with a power conversion rate of more than 25%, but they also include a superior lithium-ion rechargeable power station that efficiently stores energy. The battery protection system and MPPT charge controller ensure the safety of charging household appliances with the power station.

Jackery Solar Generators Harness Solar Energy

The Jackery Solar Generator is the optimal choice for camping, RVing, home backup, and off-grid living, among other applications. Contributing factors include its portability, high capacity for daily use, low noise level, affordable price, and long-lasting battery. Considering your energy needs, you may choose a Jackery Solar Generator with capacities from 12 kWh to 240Wh. The power output is a crucial determinant when deciding on a purchase. The operational hours of machines powered by Jackery Solar Generators are calculated using the following formula:

Working Hours (H) = [Jackery Solar Generator Capacity (Wh)*0.85] / Appliance's Wattage (W)

For 2.7 hours, the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro (1002Wh) can provide energy to a 300W blender (1002*0.85/300). This formula allows one to determine which appliances will maintain operation quickly.
The high-performance Solar Generator 2000 Plus, a significant advancement in portable power options, was introduced by Jackery. Due to its immense capacity and high power output, it can provide weeks of power for a standard van appliance and fulfill all the power demands of outdoor exploration or home backup power supply.

Adding battery packs to the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus elevates its capacity from 2 kWh to 12 kWh, revolutionizing how residential reserve power is supplied. Expandable to 3000W, a 30% increase in rated power compared to competing 2 kWh products. The vast majority of vital home devices are powered. The sophisticated LiFePO4 battery guarantees a lifespan of ten years, notwithstanding its daily usage.


Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus



2042.8Wh (13A/638.4Ah)


4000 cycles to 70%+ capacity

Battery Cell

LiFePO4 battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 1000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 6H; AC Adapter: 1.7H; 12V Car Adapter: 25H

Output Ports

3*AC Output: 230V~ 50Hz, 3000W Max, 6000W surge peak; 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro combines the Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro and SolarSaga 100W solar panels with a combined capacity of 2160Wh and an output power of 2200W. During a power outage or when dependable electricity is required for your camper van or other outdoor activities, the Solar Generator 2000 Pro is the way to go.

If utilized twice per week, your Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro portable power station will last ten years. It is a reliable power source for residential backup, with a capacity of one year on standby. It is optimal due to its state-of-the-art attributes: rapid charging (requiring only two hours with AC input), robust security facilitated by a top-tier BMS, and a user-friendly, high-contrast interface. The portable generator weighs 19.5 pounds for portability and features a collapsible handle.


Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Pro 



2160Wh (43.2V/50Ah)

Life Cycle

1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Battery Cell

NMC battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 2000 Pro + 6*SolarSaga 100W: 5.5H; AC Adapter: 2H; 12V Car Adapter: 24H

Output Ports

2*AC Output: 230V, 2200W (peak 4400W); 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0x2, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro, which combines 80W SolarSaga solar panels with a portable power station called the Explorer 1000 Pro, is an exceptionally silent solar generator (as low as 46dB), has a lifespan of 10+ years, and can be fully charged in 1.8 hours. Its dual 100W PD design guarantees consistent power for all necessary appliances while off-grid living, camping, RVing, and other outdoor activities.

With a capacity of 1002Wh, the rechargeable Explorer 1000 Pro power station can power 93% of appliances, including a television, CPAP machine, refrigerator, E-bike, and more. Furthermore, it has two USB-C interfaces and two 100W PD connectors, ensuring rapid and consistent charging for mobile devices, iPads, smartphones, and laptops. The MPPT technology guarantees a solar charging efficiency of 99 percent. Ultimately, the power station can be recharged in less than 1.8 hours. Furthermore, wall and vehicle recharging methods and solar recharge are endorsed.


Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Pro 


jackery solar generator 1000 pro


1002Wh (43.2V/23.2Ah)

Life Cycle

1000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Battery Cell

NMC battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 1000 Pro + 2*SolarSaga 80W: 9H; AC Adapter: 1.8H; 12V Car Adapter: 12H

Output Ports

2*AC Output: 230V, 1000W (peak 2000W); 2*USB-A: Quick Charge 3.0x2, 18W Max; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

The Jackery Solar Generator 300 Plus, which integrates the Explorer 300 Plus portable power station and the SolarSaga 80W solar panel, enables off-grid charging. It has a power output of 300W, a capacity of 288Wh, two PD ports, each with a maximum output of 100W, the ability to rapidly charge multiple devices simultaneously, and an assortment of charging options. It can, for instance, supply power for a 150W camera for 1.6 hours and a 60W portable speaker for 4 hours. Weighing a mere 3.75 kilograms, the lightweight Jackery Explorer 300 Plus Portable Power Station can be effortlessly maneuvered into a camper van or RV.

The 10-year lifecycle Jackery Explorer 300 Plus portable power station, powered by a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery, ensures the security of all your electrical equipment by delivering a constant voltage and pure sine wave. Furthermore, equipment damage is averted by the revolutionary ChargeShield technology and the continuous power supply. With our improved charging technology, both battery life and charging times are extended.


Jackery Solar Generator 300 Plus 


jackery solar generator 1000 pro


288Wh (12.8V/22.5Ah)

Life Cycle

3000 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Battery Cell

LiFePO4 battery



Recharging Methods

Explorer 300 Plus + SolarSaga 80W: 6.3H; AC Adapter: 2H; 12V Car Adapter: 5.5H

Output Ports

1*AC Output: 230V, 50Hz, 300W Rated, 600W Surge Peak; 2*USB-C: 100W Max, 5V⎓3A (5V, 9V, 15V, 12V, 20V up to 5A); 1*Carport: 12V⎓10A

Final Thoughts

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular among Australians, who are starting to produce renewable energy for homes, off-grid cabins, or campsites. In addition to its abundant sunlight and expansive terrain, Australia is exceptionally conducive to solar power. On this page, you will learn everything about solar energy facts in Australia, and you can choose a portable off-grid solar system - Jackery Solar Generator to provide stable and consistent power for home backup, off-grid living, camping, and more.  

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